Start The Conversation – Mental Wellbeing

Start The Conversation – Mental Wellbeing


When it comes to obesity and depression, it’s a case of which came first – the chicken or the egg?

Depression is an important condition that is far more commonly found in Australians with obesity.

Obesity can cause poor self-image, low self-esteem, and social isolation, all known contributors to depression. Most especially, severe obesity can cause diabetes, sleep disturbance, chronic joint pain and hypertension, all of which aggravate depression.

So we have a picture of frustration and despair with people wrongly feeling “it’s entirely my fault” When in fact obesity and depression are chronic diseases that were likely set in motion before birth or during early childhood.

The good news is – treating obesity treats depression.

When their obesity is treated, over half of suffers find their depression also resolves.

If you struggle with obesity and depression, start a conversation with your GP to obtain the most effective treatment available, for a healthier happier you.  



Obesity and depression can become a cycle that is hard to break. 

People experiencing depression are more likely to overeat or make poor food choices, avoid exercising, and become more sedentary.

Psychological stress leads to hormone and chemical patterns that cause weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and sleep disturbance. These conditions aggravate tiredness, lethargy and depression.

When people seek treatment for depression, some of our most effective medications also increase hunger and weight gain.

So we have a picture of frustration and despair where people wrongly feel “it’s entirely my fault”.

The good news is – treating obesity treats depression.

When their obesity is treated, over half of suffers find their depression also resolves.

If you struggle with obesity and depression, start a conversation with your GP to obtain the most effective treatment available, for a healthier happier you. 



Every day, we see people in our practice who are tired.

One serious cause of fatigue is obstructive sleep apnoea. 1 in 4 Australian men and 1 in 10 women suffer from sleep apnoea.

It’s caused by floppiness of the throat muscles during sleep that leads to interrupted breathing. People report snoring (and even choking) at night, as well as daytime sleepiness.

Left untreated, sleep apnoea can cause depression, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

The good news is: treating obesity treats sleep apnoea.

When their obesity is treated, up to 98% off suffers find their sleep apnoea also resolves.

If you struggle with obesity, fatigue, and sleep apnoea, start a conversation with your GP to obtain the most effective treatment available, for a healthier happier you. 



It’s been said that we spend our health to gain our wealth, and then spend our wealth to regain our health.

We work too many hours, sleep and exercise too few, and strive to get ahead financially.

As a society, we’ve become tired and stressed, we’ve gained weight.

We’ve developed an obesity epidemic. Our health suffers.

People often feel that they don’t have the time and money to invest in their health.

But as a doctor, I can tell you we can’t afford not to.

Invest in yourself.

Start the conversation with your GP today about obtaining the most effective treatment for your obesity to eat less, move more for a healthier, happier you.