The festive season is a beautiful time of year – but it has its challenges. Here’s our top tips for getting through and seeing in the new year with a happy, healthy start.
Did you know that on average, Australians gain between 0.8 to 1.5kg over the festive season?
It might not sound like but, but research has shown that weight gained over the holidays is rarely lost. Stay consistent with your snacks and meals, and keep up your protein intake – you’ll feel fuller for longer so you’ll be less likely to reach for a sneaky fruit mince pie when it comes around.
Aim for weight maintenance, not weight loss
Trying to lose weight over the festive season can be a more difficult goal than usual and if (understandably) not achieved can lead to disenchantment. A more realistic goal over the holiday season is weight maintenance, which is hard enough with so many celebratory offerings around. If you aim to not gain anything, when you succeed you can then use this motivation to help kickstart your weight loss program in the New Year when life returns to normal.
Stick to routines
It’s a busy time but always take the time to attend to your regular activities. Struggling to go for your daily walk? Make the time. You’ll feel better for it and it will keep you on track with your good habits, including meals and other activities.
Stuck for recipe ideas for your Christmas meal? Try fish.
Fish is a good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Oily fish, like salmon or sardines, contains omega-3 fats that may help to prevent heart disease. There are loads of delicious recipes to try.
Don’t skip meals
If you’re hungry, you’ll more likely overindulge when you’ve got party food in front of you.
Everything in moderation
‘Tis the season for getting merry, and that usually involves a few alcoholic beverages. Be mindful of the liquid calories that some festive drinks contain. Stick to the minimum with alcoholic drinks and always stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Last but not least, have a Happy Christmas!
Focus on the important things and what makes you happy.