News and Doctors News

How to check if online advice is credible

How to check if online advice is credible   With social media rising in popularity, online health information is now widespread across the internet and increasing faster than ever before....

Humans of Pindara Magazine Article

This month Pindara Magazine wrote a behind the scenes article about Drs Jorrie and Nova Jordan "In Pursuit of Perfection" for their Humans of Pindara segment, to share more about the 'People caring for...

Hair shedding with rapid weight loss

HAIR LOSS ACCOMPANYING RAPID WEIGHT LOSS Rapid weight loss from any source can trigger hair shedding. Since bariatric surgery is particularly effective at creating rapid weight loss it is also...

Treating Obesity Treats Disease

Treating Obesity Treats PCOS and Improves Fertility People with obesity are more likely to have infertility, and they are less likely to benefit from fertility treatment. Obesity can also cause...

New Findings on Junk Food

Think about how different life would be if you felt full and satisfied after consuming a small portion of nutritionally dense food ... According to new research, Australian households are...

Ted’s journey to healthy life

Featured in the Toowoomba Chronicle.  Toowoomba man Ted Bremner loved the beach, but for the past 20 years he has been too embarrassed to go. However, Mr Bremner, 65, now...